
Addressing Health Data Mapper

A tool to present and share data generated by the Addressing Health project. The project examines the health of UK postal workers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It uses information about sickness-related absences and retirement derived from pension records and other sources of evidence.

Capturing the Past (cPast)

Capturing the Past is designed to facilitate archival photography by historians and researchers working with physical collections. By renaming photographs and associating each image with appropriate metadata, it allows research materials to be organised and enhanced as they are collected.

Old Bailey Voices

Telling stories with Old Bailey Data: A Macroscope development to explore presentation of information derived from the proceedings of Old Bailey Trials (Sessions Papers). The dataset that this work relies on is output of 'The Old Bailey Online' and related projects.

Small Bills and Petty Finance

Paleography data capture for archive records of Poor Law accounting.

Mass Observation 12th of May Diaries (password protected)

Macroscope development to explore presentation of information derived from the (Born Digital) Mass Observation 12th of May Diaries. This experiment uses tools created for a previous investigation, this implementation is part of an assessment of the reuse opportunities for the technology.

Counting Electric Sheep

Technology developed to explore the works of a science fiction author. These are the web 3d assets and some presentation slides from an investigation of the use of multimedia technology and basic text processing to analyse and present the works of Philp K Dick.

Santa Chiara

Web 3D reconstruction of a renaisance chapel.

Sierra Leone Heritage

Digital exhibition and API to access a development copy of the RCH Sierra Leone Heritage database.

Caroline's Animated 3D Sheep Graph

Make graphs from sheep findings.